Steven's Notebook

Look Ma - No Hands!

Category: Life

Let ’em Make Cake

In between rounds of multiplayer Gears of War tonight, I’m making cakes for my son’s Confirmation tomorrow. The recipes call for egg whites and let me just say this: Eggs are officially the gookiest thing there is. Ooky, gooky, yucky, ucky. Ick. And while I’m ranting, what’s the deal with KitchenAid mixers? I mean, people […]

Be Prepared

Hurricane season, and Commander Dave’s sharing a view of his Be Prepared box with us. We’re probably not as prepared; though we’ve got all the same sort of stuff around it’s not packed and ready to go. Heck, even my everyday carry-it-in-my-truck pack of ropes, first aid kit, maps, etc. has gotten used and not […]

Life Goes On

News Flash: Big computer company manager tells employee not to worry, they have plenty of projects for him. Eight weeks later, employee’s told that his position in the organization has been deemed as no longer required. Film at eleven. No worries, mate. But if your company is looking for a networking-software dude, conversant in XHTML, […]

On Electronic Detritus

A thought for the day: We’re an information economy. They teach you that in school. What they don’t tell you is that it’s impossible to move, to live, to operate at any level without leaving traces, bits, seeming meaningless fragments of personal information. Fragments that can be retrieved, amplified… – William Gibson’s Johnny Mnemonic What […]

Hydrate or Die

People have been carrying and drinking water for how long now? Like, forever right? For Mike and others who may be interested, I point you to Daniel’s tale of water bottles. I’ve been a long-time user and fan of Nalgene bottles, though I’ve never tried to put one on a bike. They’re practically indestructible and […]

Trashy Allied Waste/BFI Service

I’m disappointed in the Alpharetta city services today, specifically the garbage collection done by BFI, now owned by Allied Waste Industries. The photos here are what’s left on our street after the collectors came through. The blue box and white styrofoam are from the new ceiling fan, freshly installed yesterday. I can understand them perhaps […]

Cheesy Fourth

A bit o’ what Commander Dave would call a Cheese Sandwich post today – just a slice of life. Today’s task is to purchase and install a new ceiling fan to replace the one that broke last night. The darn thing had been threatening me for long enough and I finally bumped it and it […]

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