Category: Life
Class of 2006
In many parts of the country, June is “Dads and Grads” time, but here in the Atlanta area High School Graduation is a bit earlier. This is the final week of school, with finals today through friday. For many of the seniors who already completed all their work, yesterday’s Senior Breakfast was the last time […]
Become ONE
In January, I wrote about Bono and, spreading the word about global poverty and the need for it’s end. I’m no Bono and I know I don’t have the size of his audience, but I’m going to do my bit. So here’s a challenge for you. This Tuesday evening, May 23, for the first […]
BSG: Humanity’s Interesting
About the inital Cylon attack in Battlestar Galactica’s miniseries, Dave R. writes: The battlestar Galactica survived by virtue of its being obsolete and on the verge of retirement, thus making it a low-priority target. The other, and perhaps as important reason being of course that Commander Adama distrusted technology and had kept Galactica purposefully low-tech, […]
It’s a question that should be asked more often.
Teenage Wasteland
It’s springtime in the Atlanta area. That means that the flowers and plants are blooming, the pollen is flying, and the trees are draped with TP. For some unknown reason, high school students in this area have a tradition known euphemistically as the “Junior-Senior War.” I prefer to call it by it’s proper name – […]
Storm-Damaged Lexus
This brand-new car was left in the parking lot of a local church while it’s owner’s on a mission trip. Unfortunately for the owner that was this past weekend, when the storm hit. Ouch.
Tornados In The Atlanta Area
We’re back, and I’ll be posting stories and pictures of our trip over the next few days, but what a sight we returned to. Along with AL and TN, the Atlanta GA area got hit by a powerful set of storms and a few tornados as well. The building — or what’s left of it […]
Spring Break Once More
It’s that time once again, and I’m heading off with my other son this time ’round. Three years ago my older son and I spent a week as part of a 20-person crew sailing the Florida Keys. This year I’m taking my younger son and his friends. We won’t be aboard the Gypsy this time; […]
Freedom is Ageless
Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite Robert A. Heinlein Apparently that doesn’t apply if you’re a student in 21st Century United States. There’s been quite a flap this past week about kids and their use of the web. To me, there are three different topics getting mixed up together. […]