Steven's Notebook

Look Ma - No Hands!

Category: Motorcycles

Bikers for babies

Can you imagine a day when every baby is born healthy and strong? The March of Dimes can. The March of Dimes is inspired by all babies, those born healthy and those who need our help to survive and thrive. That is why I am asking you to help me in my support of the […]

A New Ride

For the past few months I’ve been saying that, as soon as I got a new job, I would be getting a motorcycle. I’m sure I’ll write more about the employment front over the next few weeks; for now let’s just say that this has indeed be a good week. Thanks go to Tom, Jerry, […]

Tim S: Talk the walk!

“Being less bad will not save the world,” says my favorite business author Tim Sanders in his latest video: Talk the walk! Go watch, it’s worth a minute forty-three. FWIW: For various reasons, I’m driving a lot less these days and — just as soon as I’m financially able to — will be buying a […]

A Week in Florida

Much of this past week I was in sunny Florida, visiting customers and making sure that projects were moving right along. I’m not a great fan of business travel; we know way too many people who spend 6 of every 7 nights in a hotel and that life’s just not for me. I do enjoy […]

Wanna Zoom Again

Boy do I ever want to buy a motorcycle. I used to ride, then sold my bike when my sons got to the age where there T-Ball games, Soccer games, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts etc. were more important. Those were great times, and I don’t begrudge one bit the time that I spent in a […]

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