I read this the other day, as part of a discussion about monies; in particular the fact that at one point in history not all currencies were divided into decimals, as the US Dollar is (ten pennies = one dime, ten dimes = one dollar). I believe it’s originally from Terry Pratchett’s book Good Omens: […]
What Time to Test?
I’ve been workng on a new feature with a few other devs, and we’re eager to get it done and into our master branch so that it can be deployed sooner than later. To that end, after dinner and some shopping last night, I picked up my laptop and thought I’d get a bit more […]
Shaken Awake
“If a homeless man froze to death on the steps of a church, what would it change?” That’s the question being asked by my friend Allen in his new book, Shaken Awake. Allen uses real-life events that many of us here in the Atlanta area experienced just ten months ago to tell a tragic tale, […]
Gorillas and Cows
At last night’s meetup of the Software Testing Club Atlanta, John Stevenson hosted a workshop on Creative and Critical Thinking. John had a lot of good information for us, had us play games, and fostered a lot of good discussion. One of the discussions circled around the topics of information overload and Alan Page‘s favorite […]
Do You Start at the End?
I just heard that some people read the last page (or chapter) of a book before beginning it. Is that something you do, and if so, why?
The Rebel Bass
At last, I have found the rebel bass: pic.twitter.com/QY0oWveiYb — Jim Cowart (@ifandelse) January 5, 2014
VMWare Fusion vs GoToMeeting – who’s in charge?
I keep running into an odd problem with GoToMeeting on my Mac – when I try to open a meeting via URL, it launches a VMWare Fusion session (presumably to try to launch GoToMeeting in Windows) instead of just using the perfectly-functioning GoToMeeting for Macintosh application that exists on my system. The first place I […]
Atlanta Code Camp 2013
This past weekend, over 400 developers, testers and others involved in software development got together on the campus of SPSU at the Atlanta Code Camp for a day of training and networking. Code Camps are community events, volunteer-organized and staffed, with sessions presented for free by local (or not-quite-local) individuals. This was my third year […]
Non-Warning: Smartphone Pictures Pose Privacy Risk
There’s a bit of a scare being circulated this week, mostly via Facebook. Perhaps you’ve seen it: Warning: Smartphone Pictures Pose Privacy Risk Now, I’m not saying that people shouldn’t be aware of information that’s captured about themselves and their children, but there are a couple of things you should know about this. 1. According […]
More Dave Robicheaux
I see that many people have visited this site for a list of James Lee Burke’s novels about Dave Robicheaux, Lousiana detective. He’s written more since I compiled that list, so I just updated it with four additional novels for you. Mr. Burke has written other novels as well, about other characters. I’ve not (yet) […]