Steven's Notebook

Look Ma - No Hands!

Apocalypse Cow, by Michael Logan

It started with the cows. Flesh-eating, sex-crazed zombie cows. In England. That right there should be enough of a review to get you reading. And to give you enough warning — should you feel that you need it — that there will be gore and violence of a somewhat cartoon variety. I picked this up […]

Alice, by Christina Henry

In the hospital, there is a woman. Her hair, once blond, hangs in tangles down her back. She doesn’t remember why she’s in such a terrible place – just a tea party long ago, and long ears and blood… Suffice to say, this is not Walt Disney’s “Alice in Wonderland,” and not a book for […]

Be You. Do Good., by Johnathan David Golden

Johnathan David Golden is the founder of Land Of A Thousand Hills coffee, a company who’s tagline “Drink Coffee. Do Good.” is more than a slogan, it defines their mission. Working directly with farmers in war-torn Rwanda, they provide us delicious coffee and the farmers with sustainable, profitable business. Golden encourages us, in his new […]

Black Hat Jack, by Joe R. Lansdale

Joe R. Lansdale’s “Black Hat Jack” is an… interesting western about an African American Cowboy and his partner exploring the great west and getting into trouble with Native American Tribes. I wouldn’t exactly recommend it to kids nor adults who are squeamish about rough language, but it’s a good tale. The writing style reminded me […]

Summer Reading

As a youngster I spent a whole bunch of time, especially during the summer, at the public library. Libraries, actually, plural – my mom would take me to several in the area though my favorite was always “the library with the flying saucer.” I’m pretty sure she even had a job there for a while; […]

Thunderbird, by Jack McDevitt

A “stargate” type portal is found in North Dakota, opening to various worlds and… other places. How far will we reach, who gets to explore, and how to handle the expected / anticipated / feared Contact With Others — those are a few of the questions explored in Jack McDermitt’s novel “Thunderbird.” There were a […]

A Good Morning

My wife and I had plans to see Avengers:Age of Ultron this morning; we’d had pre-purchased tickets at our local cinema, reserved seating and all. When we arrived, though, and were picking up our tickets, we changed our mind. At the next window were a man and his little boy. The man was trying to […]

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