And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day,I said fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice’s Restaurant and walking out. And friends they may thinks it’s a movement. That’s right, yesterday’s Song Lyric of the Week was from none other than Arlo Guthrie’s lengthy anti-war song Alice’s Restaurant Massacree. […]
Category: Music
Song Lyric of the Week
Well, I started thinking about today’s Song Lyric of the Week posting and quickly realized that there was only one song that would do on Thanksgiving. This one should be super-obvious for those of you who’ve heard it, and for those who haven’t… you need to find a copy, sit down and listen for a […]
Song Lyric of the Week Answer
Wow, I didn’t think last week’s Song Lyric of the Week was that obscure, but apparently not many people have listened carefully to U2’s latest CD, How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, or the lyrics of Crumbs From Your Table. Drew knew it was U2 but couldn’t place the song, but his email was the […]
Song Lyric of the Week
I know, it’s late – I’ve been off the net most of the day – but here’s this week’s Song Lyric of the Week. It’s another one that should be fairly easy for regular readers here, let’s see how you do. As before, the rules are simple: I post a lyric, you guess what song […]
Song Lyric of the Week Answer
We had a couple of answers to yesterday’s Song Lyric of the Week question. I know that the first one used Google (he admitted so on the phone), so no points to Mike. Sorry ’bout that. Tommy knew the artist from this weblog, wasn’t sure of the song – but I appreciate him dropping me […]
Panic! No, Don’t Panic.
Ok, here’s a tip for teens. Let’s say you’re at a concert, having fun with your friends, and Panic! At The Disco does something really awesome. They bring in a bunch of strings and does a great cover of Eleanor Rigby. It’s just so cool you’ve got to tell your music-loving father about it. Good […]
Song Lyric of the Week
Just about every Thursday, Rob gives us a cinematic memory challenge with his Movie Line of the Week contest. Beginning today, I’m also going to tweek those memory cells with a new weekly challenge: Song Lyric of the Week. The rules are simple: I post a lyric, you guess what song it’s from. Please, no […]
Let’s hear it for the “6-year-old son of a constituent,” getting his voice heard by his congressman and perhaps giving Hawaii a ‘state fish’ once again. Everybody sing along with Eric Stone [mp3]… “The Humuhumunukunukuapua’ is the fish that I Aloha / He likes to swim at the top of the reef near the beaches […]
What’d Bono Say?
I was watching the Vertigo concert DVD (thank you, Brennan) the other night, and at one point Bono puts on a bandana with some graffiti. As I transcribed his comments (yea, I do strange things sometimes), I wasn’t able to hear completely and missed one or more words – see the quote below. When I […]
iPod Joy
1. Read through John Gruber’s latest, Rhymes With Ditty 2. Laugh out loud, snorting milk out your nose. Meanwhile… the Dogcow lives, though only in the archives of the web. Why would Apple remove the original from their knowledgebase? I’ll have to ask Joe to see if he can discover the rationale.