Wow, I didn’t think last week’s Song Lyric of the Week was that obscure, but apparently not many people have listened carefully to U2’s latest CD, How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, or the lyrics of Crumbs From Your Table. Drew knew it was U2 but couldn’t place the song, but his email was the closest.
Where you live should not decide
Whether you live or whether you die
Read through those lyrics, especially poignant this week during our Thanksgiving celebrations (in the US, anyway). We have so much, and there are many across this world who don’t.
But I’m waiting on the crumbs from your table
U2’s Bono is a spokesman for The ONE Campaign, and last week their newsletter talked about Oxfam’s Fast. We’ve done something similar for the past couple of years at our Church in the spring, and it’s a moving, thought-provoking experience if taken seriously.