Steven's Notebook

Look Ma - No Hands!

Just Write It

Woah. I just came across this in an old draft that I apparently never finished for posting:

I don’t remember if I’ve recently pointed to Mark Bernstein’s 10 Tips on Writing the Living Web or not, thanks to Alwin for reminding us of it:

…a great guide for anyone who is either starting to write a weblog. It’s also valuable to anyone who has become “stuck”

Eric keeps complaining that I don’t write enough, and I know he’s probably right.

The reason I found that so interesting is that I had just been reading from David St.Lawrence:

Here’s a radical suggestion: If you want to write, write every day for a few hours until you are good at it. You will know when that happens, because people will start asking you how you do it or wanting you to write books.

You don’t need permission to create – part 1, part 2, and part 3.

Also, I was reading Orbiting The Giant Hairball earlier this week, in which the author starts off telling a story about talking to elementary school kids about art. “How many of you are artists,” he asks. Almost every hand goes up when he asks the 1st graders. Not so many 2nd graders. By the time he gets to the 6th grade kids, almost nobody raises their hand. What are the schools teaching about creativity?

Writing is a creative endevor.

“You can’t simply say, ‘Today I will be brilliant.'” — Catp. J. Kirk, The Ultimate

“If you want to write, write every day.” (D.StL.)

“Take a notebook everywhere and write what comes to mind.” (me)

Good writing will come with time and practice. Don’t let your creativity be stifled. Let your virtual 1st grade teacher tell you to write; don’t ask why, just write.

btw, that’s write every day, not necessarily publish every day smiley

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