Here is a sample of a PowerShell script that I use for finding text in files, having “grown up” with a more Unix-like syntax. I know, this isn’t exactly a clone of grep‘s functionality, but it gets me closer than having to remember exactly how to wrangle PowerShell’s Select-String commands to my liking. Note that I normally am looking for things recursively, so my script does that automatically.
Param( [string]$filename, [string]$target ) ls -r $filename | sls $target
I call that by using an alias, set in my $PROFILE
Set-Alias grep c:\code\ps\Grep.ps1
Then I can just use a command like one of these
c:\> grep \code\*.ps1 version c:\> grep *.txt hobbits c:\> grep $HOME alpharetta
Also available, with any changes since this was published, in this repo.