Steven's Notebook

Look Ma - No Hands!

A Fall Ride

I rode my motorcycle right through a red light yesterday.

Actually, I rode through several red lights, as did about forty other motorcyclists and drivers of a dozen cars. We were all taking part in the second annual Ride for Will. The ride was very well escorted by LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers), both from the sheriffs offices of the several counties through which we rode and officers of the Georgia State Patrol, and we didn’t stop at all during the 60+ mile trip.

Plenty of other vehicles were stopped, not only by the officers at crossroads, but also by considerate drivers who were traveling in the opposite direction who likely thought ours was a funeral procession. In a way it was, as this event is held in part to commemorate the short life of Will Davidson who passed away in 2007. Less than five months old, Will was a victim of Sudden Death Infant Syndrome, the “quiet killer.” The ride is also meant to increase awareness of SIDS, and raise funds for the Will Davidson Memorial Scholarship.

I don’t have any pictures of the ride itself, but here’s the obligatory parking lot full of bikes before we depart
The Bikes Gather
and after we arrived at our destination, Paul’s on the River in Helen GA
Arrival in Helen GA

After a bite of lunch, Allen and I left the crowd and took a less direct route home, through the mountains. I wasn’t carrying the GPS, so I don’t have a track; I may try to reproduce it using Google Earth if I get some free time. We did stop at one high point, from which I got this picture.

N. GA Mountains

It’s hard to tell from that shot, but the North Georgia Mountains were beautiful yesterday, full of fall colors, and it was a great day for a ride.

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