It’s time to take a full three day weekend. I know my buddy Allen is, his email’s already responding that he won’t be back until Tuesday and I know he means it – and he’s out of cell range, high in the mountains for the weekend. I don’t have plans quite so grand, but I’m shutting a lot down.
If you feel that you absolutely have to get some work done, do your co-workers and employees a big favor and don’t send them email during the weekend. If you’re using Microsoft Outlook (and, I suspect, other email clients as well), that’s easy. Even if you do some work and get some messages put together, start by setting Outlook in it’s “offline” mode. That’ll keep any email you write sitting nicely in the “outbox” folder and won’t send it. Then, on Tuesday morning, set Outlook back “online” and everyone can get cranked back up again… nicely refreshed from their break.
But even better, just write a quick note to yourself and stick it next to your computer, as a reminder of what to do after your weekend.
As for me, I’m shutting this down and heading off to a high school football game, where the office doesn’t come into my mind at all.