Steven's Notebook

Look Ma - No Hands!

Non-Beta Blogger

Powered by BloggerBlogger, the service that I use to build and maintain this weblog, has finally moved their new version out of beta. Over the next few weeks or so, everyone with an (old) Blogger account will be given the opportunity to move over to the new version, with a google (gmail) login i.d. (Google bought Blogger a while back).

My question, which has yet to receive a yet gotten a good answer from Blogger employees or others on their support forums, is this: what’s new for FTP users? There are lists of things that are yummy goodness, but as far as I can see none of them (at least as far as creatively building new templates) work for blogs not hosted on Blogger’s (or Blogspot’s) servers.

I’m going to keep asking and poking around, but if you already know the answer please drop a comment in here.

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