Since starting my new job, I’ve often been asked how I like it and what I’m doing. The short answer is that I’m really enjoying it and that this is the greatest company I’ve ever worked for. I’m busy meeting people, talking and writing about testing, and learning more new things each week than I […]
It’s Time to Share What You’ve Learned
Adam Goucher posted this last week on Twitter: I think it’s certainly worth considering – I mean, how’s the old saying go, something about learning something new every day? In our day and age, and especially in the software development arena in which I work, there’s always something new going on, a new challenge to […]
Google Music All Access Radio Stations
I’ve been giving Google’s streaming-music, the somewhat awkwardly-named Google Music All Access service, a try ever since the announcement at IO. For the most part I like it, and I’ll likely move to it full-time (especially given the news of an iOS app soon), though I haven’t really figured out the dual nature of it, […]
Specification By Example (ATDD at AQAA and ATLScrum)
Note: Andrew presented this workshop a second time last night. As with any presentation or workshop, it has evolved slightly over time. I’m incorporating my additional notes into this post. -Sjv 23-May-2013 Over the past week or so, Andrew Fuqua (@andrewmfuqua) has given workshops on Acceptance Test Driven Development for both the Atlanta Quality Assurance […]
Book Recommendations by a Dozen
I was fortunate to spend two days last week with some very smart people as my company hosted a completely non-company-specific, non-tool-specific, non-technology-speicfic peer conference; twelve people in a room discussing the craft and profession of software testing, what changes we see happening and would like to see, and how we might be able to […]
Why not sleep?
In my last post, about test automation, I wrote about using sleep : “Bad, bad, bad. Don’t do this.” But why not? Well, the way I was doing it there — until d.exists? — really wasn’t that horrible. What you really want to stay away from, and what I’ve seen people start out with, is […]
Web Automation, A First Start
written a while back, not posted until today; this was about a year or so ago My software testing (QA) team has grown over the years, often at a frantic pace. Like many others, I’m sure, there’s always been more work to do than time to do it in, and so saw sharpening has never […]
Moored Once More
Forms have been completed. anchors are down, and the next phase of my career has begun. This week, I signed aboard my new post as part of telerik’s software testing tools group. The department I’m joining is in Austin Texas. No, we’re not moving. I’ll be working out of my home office (and Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson […]
Casting Off
My exit paperwork is done. My laptop is wiped. My email account is disabled. My badge is turned in. I have cast off the lines, set sail, and await the wind. I’ve left a company I’ve known for almost five years. The product is a good one, being built and sold by good people. As […]
How To Watch
Sean W. writes: I’ve been busy working on a new business: How to Watch. This new business aims to help people find where a movie or TV show is available via online streaming (e.g. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant or iTunes). I got sick of having to search on each of the platforms to find “my […]