Steven's Notebook

Look Ma - No Hands!

Too Many Choices…

Toshiba Satellite laptopI need a new computer, one that I can use for C# and ASP.NET develoment. Over in the Mac world, choosing a new computer — like so many other Mac things — is easy. If you want a laptop there are basicly six choices. Good, Better and Best, as Sears used to say.

In the PC realm though… well, that’s another matter. First you need to choose a processor, and there’s no shortage there from which to choose. Unlike ‘the good old days,’ you can’t even just assume that a higher model number is ‘better’ or faster, Intel warns that “The processor number is not a measurement of performance.”

Then come the more mundane questions — which of the vendors offer the processor I want with the size (and resolution) screen I want? Memory and hard disk drive are easy, get the biggest available (checking‘s prices on memory first, of course). Ignore all the attempts to upsell on software, printers, carrying cases, cameras, USB docks, extra batteries, mp3 players, wireless routers, dog dishes and monogrammed tea towels.

I think I’m close to pulling the trigger; Toshiba has a Satellite L350 that can be customized “in 8-10 business days” for me. But wait, what’s this “Satellite Pro” series….?

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