Steven's Notebook

Look Ma - No Hands!


  1. Who’s your host? By the way, my aggregator picked your new feed URL just fine.

  2. My whole family uses HostingMatters,, and they’ve always given us great service.

    WordPress was a breeze to set up; HM has it already installed on their systems and has a tool in their control panel to easily install it (along with lots of other software).

    As for the feed, WordPress uses a different URL to provide feeds but I was able to put entries in .htaccess to redirect your aggregator. There are a whole lot of broken links on my site and others’ because of the difference between Blogger’s URL scheme for archived posts and WordPress’, but I *hope* to be able to figure out another rule to take care of that too.

  3. Steve,

    You can design your own permalink under Options => Permalinks in the dahsboard. The documentation for that is here:

  4. actually, these *are* custom URLs. WP’s default ones are pretty horrible. :-)

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